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BioCentury | May 3, 2023
Distillery Therapeutics

SMAD3 inhibitor for fibrosis

BioCentury | Mar 24, 2023
Discovery & Translation

Link’s AND-gated CAR T cells, plus a rapid COVID test with PCR-like sensitivity and more

BioCentury’s roundup of translational news
BioCentury | Dec 7, 2022
Distillery Therapeutics

A spike- and nucleoprotein-targeting mRNA vaccine for SARS-CoV-2

BioCentury | Mar 4, 2022
Distillery Therapeutics

Trivalent intranasal adenoviral vaccine for COVID-19

BioCentury | Jul 30, 2021
Distillery Therapeutics

Disruption of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid-mediated immune evasion to treat COVID-19

DISEASE CATEGORY: Infectious disease
INDICATION: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) A peptide that targets the SARS-CoV-2 N dimerization domain could treat COVID-19 by relieving suppression of
BioCentury | Jul 29, 2021
Distillery Therapeutics

Long-chain polyphosphates for COVID-19 prophylaxis and treatment

DISEASE CATEGORY: Infectious disease
INDICATION: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) A team of South Korean and Italian researchers showed long-chain polyphosphates could treat and prevent COVID-19. In
BioCentury | Feb 23, 2021
Distillery Therapeutics

CRISPR-Cas13a targeting of viral genes for COVID-19, flu

DISEASE CATEGORY: Infectious disease
INDICATION: Coronavirus; influenza CRISPR-Cas13a knockdown of the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 or influenza’s viral RNA polymerase could
BioCentury | Feb 4, 2021
Product Development

Vaxart falls on mixed Phase I readout for COVID-19 vaccine; plus BMS-Rockefeller mAb cocktail deal and vaccine updates for Sputnik V, Novavax, Bharat-Ocugen and Sinovac

Vaxart Inc. (NASDAQ:VXRT) lost $13.81 (59%) to $9.52 Wednesday on preliminary Phase I data for VXA-CoV2-1. The data showed the vaccine did evoke CD8+ T cell and IgA responses but no detectable serum
BioCentury | Nov 13, 2020
Translation in Brief

Roche and Immune-Onc mAb data; plus Capricor’s exosome-based COVID-19 vaccine induces cellular immunity, and more

BioCentury’s roundup of translational news
BioCentury | Sep 2, 2020
Product Development

COVID-19 Quick Takes: NAS framework on vaccine allocation prioritizes higher risk groups

Plus Soriot reiterates AZ’s commitment to ‘follow the science,’ deliver equitable access
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