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  • Company Profiles
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Gw Pharmaceuticals plc

Headquarters: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Website: N/A
Year Founded: 1998
Status: Acquired

BioCentury | Mar 5, 2025

Chimerix’s alignment with FDA on submission drives $935M takeout by Jazz

Building in oncology, Jazz obtains targeted glioma therapy under FDA review
BioCentury | Oct 19, 2022

With biliary readout looming, Jazz-Zymeworks deal could grow much larger 

Jazz pays $50M up front for rights to HER2-targeting bispecific, would owe more than 6x more to retain them after first pivotal readout
BioCentury | Jul 16, 2022
Management Tracks

Aurinia hires EVP of R&D, commercial head and VP of IR

Plus Enveda names Gilead’s Sekar as CBO and Covis hires a Poulin as SVP, general manager
BioCentury | Jun 29, 2022
Product Development

June 28 Quick Takes: Roivant, Pfizer create start-up to house TYK2/JAK1 program

Plus Jazz’s Sativex misses and updates from Sanofi, Spero, SonALAsense and more
BioCentury | Apr 8, 2022

Werewolf deal gives Jazz first immuno-oncology candidate

Jazz pays $15M up front to in-license rights to Werewolf’s conditionally activated oncology therapeutic
BioCentury | Mar 29, 2022

March 28 Quick Takes: Japan approvals include Sanofi’s Xenpozyme for rare disease

Plus more bad news for ALS and Biogen, Eagle acquiring Acacia, and more
BioCentury | Jan 19, 2022

UCB pads epilepsy portfolio with $1.9B Zogenix takeout

With UCB patent cliff looming, Zogenix takeout comes ahead of possible Fintepla label expansion
BioCentury | Sep 30, 2021

PAH candidate central to Merck’s $11.5B Acceleron takeout

Pharma views Acceleron’s sotatercept as growth driver following Keytruda patent expiration
BioCentury | Aug 19, 2021

Aug. 18 Quick Takes: Jardiance’s label gains heart failure indication

RA leads $50M series B for Jnana, plus a deal for Verily, no deal for CureVac and Marinus data
BioCentury | Aug 3, 2021

A $3.2B takeout of partner Translate Bio tees Sanofi up to build out mRNA franchise

Year’s second-largest biotech buyout caps nearly 200% stock run sparked by COVID program 
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